Monday, September 04, 2006

R.I.P. Croc Hunter

This was a shock for me this morning. The man who brought crocodiles and other wild life to the forefront of conservationism, Steve Irwin, better known as The Crocodile Hunter, died this morning in a sting ray accident. Considering all the extraordinary situations this man has put himself into it seems most strange he would die in such a way.

Not too long ago, I was bawling over the death of his first croc. I remember him lying down in the water with her and going on about how old she was and how he saved her from being killed. He was quite emotional about it. Mr. Irwin certainly educated the world about the importance of this historical creature and it is a shame he has left them so soon.

My heart goes out to his family, human and otherwise.

Topic Links
* Steve Irwin's Official Website (with notice of his death)