Friday, December 17, 2010

30 Days of Me: Day Eighteen

It is day eighteen of my 30 Days of Me challenge. Today's task on my list is: "plans/dreams/goals you have".

I'm really not a long term planning type of person. Beyond making sure the mortgage gets paid off in the next four years I try not to think too long term.

Most of my short term goals revolve around time management and productivity. I want more of both!

As for dreams, most of my dreams have to do with renovations for the house and yard. They definitely include someone (not Jeff, he deserves down time too) else doing them and having them all done with a week, two at the most. That is totally impossible but that is what dreams are for.

I would also like to do some more RV traveling in a less rushed atmosphere. The three weeks we did a few years ago was just too short. And wi-fi for internet would be a must. I want to be able to work from the RV anywhere. I'd love to drive to Alaska, Vermont, West Virginia, Maine and of course go through Canada again.

My few plans/dreams/goals in a nut-shell.