Thursday, June 05, 2008

Pet Peeves

I was over reading Poddy's My Pet Peeves - Things That Annoy Me lens and I couldn't believe how riled up I was by the end. I enjoyed the lens and pretty much agreed with almost everything he said. So I thought why not mention a few of my peeves in my blog. Lets go for 10. And if you are reading this, I tag you.
  1. People who leave their car running, park in front of the doors and run into a business when there is a parking space 10 - 15 feet away. And they usually ain't fat people.
  2. People who correct my email spelling mistakes. It's an email, not a website or essay. I mean if you are going to print it out and frame it then by all means let me know and I'll send you a better copy. Or worse, give me an English lesson on the difference between it's and its. I think at 38 I know the difference. It's a typo, let it go people. Do you email publishers to let them know about typos in their books?
  3. Burnt popcorn being pumped through movie theatres.
  4. People who chat up the cashiers at the grocery store when there is a huge lineup. Pay for your stuff and leave.
  5. Shiny computer screens.
  6. Shiny screens on debit machines.
  7. Products that change in size but are still the same price. I'd rather they stayed the same and went up in price. Like: tampons, sanitary napkins, toilet paper, paper towel.
  8. Friends who drop off the face of the planet and then say they left messages when you see them.
  9. People who assume that I'm going to have kids.
  10. Generalizations about fat people.
It actually felt good to get that all out. I highly recommend it.


Anonymous said...

"Products that change in size but are still the same price. I'd rather they stayed the same and went up in price. Like: tampons, sanitary napkins, toilet paper, paper towel."

But don't you know that's good for the economy? It's what has kept inflation in check for so many years.

Just like reclassifying fast food as manufacturing makes us more productive ;P

Yes indeed you've touched a nerve on this one because it's deceptive on sooooooo many levels.

Love the blog.
