Saturday, July 21, 2007

Vancouver Here We Come

We left Kamloops for Cariboo RV Park and Campground in Burnaby, B.C. where we spent a few days. It was a tense drive as we hit higher altitudes, driving through clouds (amazing but eerie) and rain at a 17% incline. We had to stop in Hope, B.C. to give Jeff a break and of course eat. We had lunch at Rolly's Restaurant and Pancake House. Busy Place. Some smoo tried to bud in front. FYI: The movie Rambo starring Sylvester Stallone was filmed here.

We really liked the site at Cariboo. Clean, manicured, private sites with laundry facilities (I did 2 loads), private showers, washrooms, lounge and a pool. There was suppose to be internet access but we weren't able to get on until the third day and we were barely able to check email. This was so frustrating for both Jeff and I. The staff were not helpful in this regard. Hence the back log of late blogging. I'm, actually in Jasper at the moment writing my blogs by hand. We'll be in Edmonton on the 28th and I'm told I'll have internet. Here's hoping I can upload the updates and get caught up.

We did the Mall at least twice and ate at the same place, Rickey's Restaurant, twice. I had the same thing both times too. Thai Curry Mango rice bowl. It was awesome. The best food I've had so far. I'd eat it again right now. Soooo good and sooo tasty. I ate it with chopsticks both times and still finished before everyone else. I wish I had taken a picture for you. I'm looking for another Ricky's along the way (If I had internet I could look up their locations, but I don't).

We also went to Stanley Park. Jeff boasted a lot about this beforehand so I was really looking forward to it. I took a picture of the famous Hollow tree then we got poured on at the aquarium, standing in line. Even with an umbrella, I got soaked; it was such a down pour. So many people had the same idea as we did, getting out of the rain. It was mind boggling how many people there were. You couldn't move without bumping into someone. There should be a law about bringing a stroller into such a place and pushing it around empty. It was really hard to look at tanks and displays. We went through as quickly as we could, took a few pictures and left. Tired. And probably a bit cranky.